The Pre-Competitive and Competitive sector is composed of children aged between 6 and 15 years, selected from the swimming courses, with particular aquatic skills and abilities.
The pre-competitive is a transitional course from the swimming school to the competitive activity. It introduces the very young in the world of swimming in a simple and progressive way through diversified stimuli, in absolute respect of their growth and age needs.
Competitive swimming is the extension of the swimming school that provides a more rigorous training a constant and lasting commitment. Unlike swimming school, whose training is aimed primarily at learning the various styles, competitive swimming takes into account the speed and endurance.
It is the company's policy, in fact, to ensure absolute respect for the young from the physiological, psychological and social point of view, contributing, in this way, to the establishment and consolidation of a proper development of personality.
During the season, competitions of the CSI circuits will be held, in which children and young people from nearby swimming schools will participate.
Competitions in this age group are just a means to measure the progress made and the level reached; they serve to enter the emotional climate of a competition, to experience strong emotions and live with them, sharing positive times with teammates.

The lanes dedicated to free swimming will be marked with appropriate signs.

Daniele Savia
Daniele, an high level Open-Water athlete and a FIN (Italian Swimming Federation) qualified swimming and water polo teacher, is a specialized mixed and breaststroke styles swimmer. Thanks to his passion for swimming and his desire to instill it, he soon decided to start teaching using empathy as the best instrument to draw kids and adults’ attention.
In 2015, after a 10 years stop, he started competing again, discovering the world of Open-Water achieving excellent results and podiums.
Daniele is the coach of the Competitive and Master team of Aqualake and teacher of the swimming school.
Emanuele Caretti
Emanuele was born in Verbania on the 1st of june 1977 and he is one of Aqualake swimming teachers.
As a kid he used to suffer from frequent asthma crisis and his doctor suggested him to practice swimming as a sport. Almost by chance he entered the new born local competitive team.
At he age of 16 he started to work as a lifeguard and from that moment he has never stopped. 
Between 1995 and 1996 he first accomplished the basic instructor patent, then the one for coaching and successively he obtained the title of coordinator of the swimming school and water polo teacher.
He has started working at Aquaventure Park in 2015 and he has taken part at the foundation of the Aqualake Baveno Swimming ASD.